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Call: 0246467089 / 0548180857

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Call: 0246467089 / 0548180857

Preset Pacesetters Senior High School

SHS 1 & Pre-SHS Classes

2024 Pre - SHS Classes (Call for further details: 0246 467089)

This programme is designed for JHS graduates awaiting their BECE results who otherwise will remain in their homes doing nothing. It is an attempt to absorb and curb some problems parents face during this time of the year. We keep them very busy throughout the day and throughout the whole period of three months.

The course begins on 22nd July, 2024 and ends on 13th September, 2024.

Classes start at 8:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm Monday to Friday

Fees: 1st Installment of GHC 500 and 2nd Installment of GHC 200 after 4 weeks.


  • Core Subjects (English, Maths, Int. Science & Soc. Studies)
  • I.C.T Programmes
  • Science Practicals
  • Visual Arts Practicals
  • Basic Cooking Skills (Apron required for both boys and girls)
  • Seminars
  • Career Counseling


For Further Enquiries Please Call: 0246467089 / 0548180857

Mobile Money Number:0549483550

All payments by mobile money must include student's name as reference.


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Madina - Firestone
0246467089 / 0548180857 / 0556363119